Sr No. | Command Type | Command | Description | image |
1 | Directory | pwd | The pwd command stands for (print working directory). | |
2 | Directory | cd | The cd command stands for (change directory). | |
3 | Directory | ls | The ls command is used to show the list of a folder. It will list out all the files in the directed folder. | |
4 | Directory | mkdir | With mkdir command you can create your own directory. | |
5 | Directory | rmdir | The rmdir command is used to remove a directory from your system. | |
6 | file | file | Determines file type. | |
7 | file | rm | To remove a file. | |
8 | file | cp | To copy a file. | |
9 | file | mv | To rename or to move a file. | |
10 | file | rename | To rename file. | |
11 | file | touch | Used to create a file. | |
12 | File Contents | head | It displays the beginning of a file | |
13 | File Contents | tail | It displays the last last part of a file. | |
14 | File Contents | cat | This command is versatile and multi worker. | |
15 | File Contents | tac | Opposite of cat. | |
16 | File Contents | more | Command line diaplays contents in pager form that is either in more format. | |
17 | File Contents | less | Command line diaplays contents in pager form that is either in less format. | |
18 | Filter Commands | cat | When cat command is used inside pipes, it does nothing except moving stdin to stout. | |
19 | Filter Commands | grep | The 'grep' command stands for “global regular expression print”. grep command filters the content of a file which makes our search easy.The 'grep' command is generally used with pipe (). | |
20 | Filter Commands | comm | The 'comm' command compares two files or streams. | |