Cardio – Pulmonary Resuscitation and assessment.
D/d of cardiac symptoms.
Treatment of Acute LVF / CCF.
Treatment of Acute MI.
Interpretation of ECG.
Interpretation of X-ray Chest.
Interpretation of echocardiography.
Central Venous pressure monitoring.
Inotropic agents.
Treatment of Hypertention – Urgency & Emergency.
Approach to Coma.
Treatment of status epilepticus.
Treatment of status asthmatics.
Diabetic emergencies
Management of Shock
Airway Management.
Pharmacologic agents used in Anesthesia.
Standard monitoring techniques.
Pre – Operative Cardio – Pulmonary assessment.
Principles of pain management.
Pathophysiology of Trauma.
Diagnostics and Therapeutic Intervention in critically ill patients.
Rationality of Lab. Test in critically ill patients.
Arrhythmias and treatment.
AHA recommendation in resuscitative procedures.
Cardiac arrest.
Pathophysiology of respiration
Acute abdominal pain ( Medical / Surgical ).
Principles of care of the pre- operative patient.
Common Surgical procedures.
Ageing process.
Principles of manage geriatric patient.
Detailed neurological examination.
CSF Physiology shunt and malfunction.
Management of emergent complications of pregnancy.
Management of labour complicated / uncomplicated.
Diagnosis of vaginal bleeding.
D/D visual loss.
Principles of ocular trauma management.
Evaluation of musculoskeletal trauma.
Acute and chronic pain management in musculoskeletal trauma.
Management of facial trauma.
Evaluation of upper airway disorders.
Principles of management of violent patient.
Acute psychosis.
Acute Poisoning - General management.
Approach to trauma patient.
Learning of systematic approach to trauma management including statewide trauma systems & categorization.
Management of rental calculi.
Management of renal and genito – urinary trauma.
Pathophysiology of wound healing.
Wound evaluation and management.
Closure techniques.
Complications of traumatic wounds.
Resuscitation issue in pregnancy.
Acid-base disorders.
Blood gases: Pathophysiology and interpretation.
Lacerations to the face and scalp.
Fingertips and Nail Injuries.
Lacerations of the extremities and joints.
Soft tissue foreign bodies.
Puncture wounds and bites.
Valvular emergencies.
Acute myocardities.
Aortic dissection and aneurysms.
Swallowed foreign bodies.
Peptic ulcer disease and gastritis.
Intestinal Obstruction.
Acute Cholecystitis.
Complications of General surgical procedures.
Complications of gastro- intestinal devices.
H.I.V. Infection
Reportable communicable diseases.
Antibiotics in emergency department.
Blood Transfusions.
Blood Component therapy.
Ataxia & gait disturbances
Jaw emergencies & Nasal emergencies.
Oral and Dental emergencies.
Approach to Dermatologic patient in EMD.
Head injury.
Penetrating and blunt neck trauma.
Abdominal injuries.
Genito – Urinary trauma.
Wound Ballistics.
Early evolution and management of orthopedics injuries.
Injuries to Hand and digits.
Injuries to Elbow and forearm.
Wrist injuries.
Injuries to Shoulder complex and Humerus.
Trauma to Pelvis, Hip and femur.
Knee injuries.
Ankle injuries.
Compartments syndromes.
Emergencies in systematic Rheumatic diseases.
Death notification.
Principles of emergency department sonography.
MRI principles and Applications.
Pre- hospital equipments and Adjuncts
A Poisoning & BITES.
O.P. poisoning.
Diazepam poisoning.
Acid poisoning.
Snake bite.
Scorpion bite.
B.C.V.S. & Respiratory emergency.
Acute MI & Unstable Angina.
LVF with Pulmonary edema.
AF with fast VR.
Ventricular tachycardia.
Acute exacerbation of Asthma / COPD.
Hypertensive encephalopathy.
Acute respiratory failure.
G.I.T. / G.U.T.
Acute Gastroenteritis with severe dehydration.
Hepatic encephalopathy, Acute fulminant Hepatitis.
Acute Renal failure.
Ureteric encephalopathy.
Acute Mesenteric ischemia.
Acute pancreatitis.
Hematological emergencies
Severe Anemia wit C.C.F.
P-falciparum Malaria with complication.
Disseminated intra vascular coagulation.
Acute hemolytic crisis.
Acute haemorrhagic fever.
Electrolytes and Metabolic emergencies
Hyper natremia
Metabolic acidosis.
Metabolic alkalosis.
AIDP with unstable vitals.
C.V. Stroke with unstable vitals.
GTCS & Status epilepticus.
Meningitis / Encephalitis.
Myasthenia crisis.
Intracranial Hypertension.
Diabetic ketoacidosis.
Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma.
Myxedema coma.
Acute adrenal insufficiency.
Thyrotoxicosis – Storm
Neuroleptic Malignant.
Lactic acidosis.
Electrical Injuries.
Anaphylactic reaction.
Central venous cannulation.
Spinal cord injury
Multiple fractures.