The Department is conducting medicolegal training (in collaboration with SIHFW, Gandhinagar) for medical officers working in periphery i.e. PHC,CHC, Government Hospital etc.. to train them in dealing with medicolegal work. We had conducted training of two batch i.e. from 08-02-2017 to 10-02-2017 & 15-02-2017 to 17-02-2017. Next two batch training starts from 01-03-2017 to 03-03-2017 and 08-03-2017 to 10-02-2017. We trained them to do postmoretm examination,how to write postmortem note,to make various medicolegal reorts i.e. injury report, drunkenness report, age estimation report,examination of victim and accused of sexual offence, maintaining medicolegal records etc…
sr.No. | Name of Topic | faculty | Date | contents |
1 | Sexual Offences | Dr.Ganesh Govekar | 08-02-2017 | Download |
2 | Virginity,Pregnacy, Delivery | Dr.Ganesh Govekar | 09-02-2017 | download |
3 | Criminal Abortion | Dr. Ganesh Govekar | 15-02-2017 | download |
4 | Mechanical Asphyxia-Suffocation | Dr.Chandresh | 22-02-2017 | download |
5 | Thermal Injury | Dr. Chandresh | 23-02-2017 | download |
6 | Ethics | Dr.Chandresh | 01-03-2017 | download |
Sr.No | Batch No. | Schedule |
1 | 96 | batch_96_2nd_term_teaching_schedule.docx |
2 | 97 | batch_97_1st_term_teaching_topic_list.docx |
The department works towards achievement of following goals…
Sr. No. | Name | Post |
1 | Erika.m chauhan | clerk |
2 | Mrs. Nikita Lotwala | Laboratory technician |
3 | Mr. Maheshbhai Seth | Peon |
4 | Mr.gaurav solanki | Peon |
…….. |
Researcher/Auther | Research | TOPIC | Journal |
Dr. Ganesh Govekar,Professor & Head | Research Paper | Trends of Suicide in Surat City | Journal of IAFM Vol. 31(4), OCT – DEC 2009 |
Research Paper | Profile of Age estimation in victims of Sexual Offences | Journal of IAFM vol. 32(4), OCT-DEC-10 | |
Research Paper | Radiological study of disappearance of Tri-Radiate Cartilage in pelvic bone in Gujarati population | Journal of IAFM, Vol. 33(3), JULY- SEPT 2011 | |
Research Paper | Sternum as sex index | Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine. volume 29(1), January-June 2012 | |
Research Paper | Profile of Un-natural Female Death in South Gujarat Region | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | |
Research Paper | Radiological study of fusion of iliac crests by Digital method | Journal of IAFM, Vol. 33(4), OCT-DEC 2011 | |
Research Paper | Scenario of Hooch Tragedy in Gujarat State | Journal of IAFM Vol. 34(1), JAN-MARCH 2012 | |
Research Paper | Age determination by using gross and radiological aspect of sternum | Journal of IAFM Vol. 35(1), JAN-MARCH 2013 | |
Research Paper | “Air Embolism” | International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine | |
Research Paper | Profile of homicide death cases at Govt. Medical Collage & New Civil Hospital, Surat | International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health 2014 | |
Dr. Pranav Prajapati,Associate Professor | Research Paper | Defense wounds in homicidal deaths | JIAFM; Vol:31,No.1; 2009 |
Research Paper | Pattern of head injury in homicidal deaths | IJFMT; Vol: 3, Issue:2 ; 2009 | |
Research Paper | Homicide trends at Surat region of Gujarat, India | JFMT, Vol 26 (1), Jan-June-2009 | |
Case Report | Tubal ligation: Can be fatal? | JIAFM; Vol:31, No.4;2009 | |
Case Report | Barbiturate Overdose: A case report | JIMA; Vol: 107, No. 12; December-2009 | |
Case Report | Suspected accident? : A Case report | Medico legal update; Vol:10, No.1 Jan-Jun 2010 | |
Research Paper | Study of death due to railway accident | JIAFM; Vol:30,No.3; 2008 | |
Research Paper | A study of homicidal deaths by mechanical injuries in Surat, Gujarat | JIAFM; Vol.32, Issue 2, pg. 134-138, 2010 | |
Case Report | Battered children- is psycho-economical factors responsible? | International journal of medical toxicology & legal medicine; Vol.12, No.4 April-June 2010, Pg.29-33 | |
Case Report | Ruptured tubal pregnancy: A rare cause of death | JPAFMAT, Vol.10, No. 1, 2010, Pg.48-51 | |
Case Report | Bride burning : A heinous crime | JIAFM;Vol.33, No. 1, 2011, Pg.89-91 | |
Case Report | Forensic diagnosis of sudden death due to pyogenic meningitis | JIAFM; Vol.32, No. 3, 2010, Pg. 243-247 | |
Research Paper | A study of violent asphyxial deaths in surat | IJFMT; Vol.5, No.1, Jan-June 2011, Pg.66-70 | |
Dr. Chandresh Tailor,Assisstant Professor | Research Paper | Radiological study of fusion of Iliac Crest by digital method | Journal of IAFM 2011 |
Research Paper | The Human Sternum: As an Index of Sex Estimation | Journal of FM & T | |
Research Paper | Morphometric Study of Sternum for determination of Sex | CIBTech Journal of Bio-Protocols 2013 | |
Research Paper | Age Determination by using gross and radiological aspect of sternum | Journal of IAFM 2013 | |
Research Paper | Profile of homicide death cases at Govt. Medical Collage & New Civil Hospital, Surat | International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health 2014 | |
Dr. Jignesh Patel,Assisstant Professor | Research Poster | Artefact mimicking injury | Anil Aggrawal’s Internet Journal of FM & T, Jan-June 2013 |
Research Poster | Dribbling of saliva in case of hanging | Anil Aggrawal’s Internet Journal of FM & T, Jan-June 2013 | |
Research Poster | Patterned bruise at the sole in a case of hanging- an unusual finding | Anil Aggrawal’s Internet Journal of FM & T, Jan-June 2013 | |
Research Poster | Thromboembolism | Anil Aggrawal’s Internet Journal of FM & T, Jan-June 2013 | |
Dr. Paresh Chandegara,Tutor | Research Paper | Study of pattern of RTA mortalities in Surat | International journal of research in medicine 2013 |
Research Paper | Risk factors for coronary atherosclerosis | International journal of research in medicine 2013 | |
Research Thesis | Histopathological study of skin & subcutaneous tissue in cases of hanging & strangulation | VNSG University 2013-14 | |
Research Paper | Profile of homicide death cases at Govt. Medical Collage & New Civil Hospital, Surat | International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health 2014 | |
Research Paper | Sociodemographic profile of hanging cases at new civil hospital, Surat | International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health 2014 | |
Research paper | AN OSSEOUS STUDY OF MORPHOLOGICAL ASPECT OF ACETABULUM OF HIP BONE International | Journal of Research in Medicine 2013 | |
Research Paper | Profile of homicide death cases at Govt. Medical Collage & New Civil Hospital, Surat | International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health 2014 | |
Dr. Umang Patel,Resident Doctor | Research Paper | Profile of homicide death cases at Govt. Medical Collage & New Civil Hospital, Surat | b International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health 2014 |
Research Paper | Social networking media- a new approach to increase awareness against tobacco chewing | National journal of community medicine 2014 | |
Dr. Shivnath Parkhe,Resident Doctor | Research Paper | Profile of homicide death cases at Govt. Medical Collage & New Civil Hospital, Surat | International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health 2014 |
a.More than 200 soft tissue specimens of various forensic and toxicological issues
b.More than 100 specimens of various toxicological substances
c.More than 100 dry bones and skeletal specimens
d.More than 25 various types of weapons
e.Collection of more than 400 photographs & charts of various forensic, medicolegaland toxicological issues.