Department of Anatomy

Department of Anatomy was established in 1964 running PG courses of MD Anatomy and MBBS course. Now, every year there are 250 MBBS candidates and 6 MD candidates getting admitted to NMC recognized courses. The faculty are- Dr. (Mrs) Meenakshi S. Modi , Professor and Head of Department, has developed the department gradually and persistently with her vision. She is a PG teacher for Anatomy, guiding the postgraduate students. Dr. Dr. (Mrs) Bharati V. Umarvanshi, Additional Professor is a dynamic Anatomist. Having expertise in Histology. She is a PG teacher for Anatomy guiding the postgraduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Vipul Patel, Additional Professor is a young academician who has improved clinical and academic environment of department further. He has expertise in Neurological anatomy. He is a PG teacher for Anatomy guiding the postgraduate and undergraduate students. Dr. D. S. Patil, Associate Professor is a young anatomist who has expertise in Embryology. He is a PG teacher for Anatomy guiding the postgraduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Bhadresh Prajapati Associate Professor is a young and multifaceted anatomist who has expertise in Genetics. He is actively involved in U.G. & P.G. admission. He is a PG teacher for Anatomy guiding the postgraduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Rashvaita Patel Associate Professor is a anatomist who has expertise in Gross Anatomy. She is actively involved in U.G. & P.G. admission. She is a PG teacher for Anatomy guiding the postgraduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Jayshree Patel Assistant Professor is a anatomist who has expertise in Gross Anatomy. She is a PG teacher for Anatomy guiding the postgraduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Ganga Singal Assistant Professor is a anatomist who has expertise in Gross Anatomy. She is a PG teacher for Anatomy guiding the postgraduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Shweta Desai Assistant Professor is a anatomist who has expertise in Gross Anatomy. She is a PG teacher for Anatomy guiding the postgraduate and undergraduate students. She is involved in E.C.E. and teachers training program. Dr. Ketan Chauhan Tutor is a anatomist who has expertise in Gross Anatomy. He is having expertise in small group teaching. Dr. Astha Jain Tutor is a anatomist who has expertise in Gross Anatomy. She is having expertise in small group teaching. Dr. Siddharth Gandhi Tutor is a anatomist who has expertise in Gross Anatomy. He is having expertise in small group teaching. Anatomy Department actively involved in dead body donation. Department encourage dead body donation in community by conducting camps, distributing written literature. Anatomy staff actively involved in U.G. & P.G. admission process, MYSY work, clinical duties in emergency like COVID pandemic.

The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Anatomy aims at providing comprehensive knowledge of the gross and microscopic structure and development of human body, to provide a basis for understanding the clinical correction of organs or structures involved and the anatomical basis for the disease presentations, and prepare him to be a teacher of Anatomy.

- A.Knowledge -

At the end of the course the students should be able to

1.Comprehend the normal disposition, clinically relevant interrelationship, Functional and cross sectional anatomy of the various structures in the body.
2.Identify the microscopic structure and correlate elementary infrastructures of Various organs and tissues and correlate the structures with the functions as a prerequisite for understanding the altered state in various disease process.
3.Comprehend the basic structure and connection of the central nervous system To analyse the integrative functions of the organ and system. He/She shall be able to locate the site of gross lesions according to the deficits encountered.
4.Demonstrate the knowledge of the basic principles and sequential development of the organs and systems, recognize the critical stages of development and effects of common teratogens, genetic mutations and environmental hazards. He/She shall be able to examine the developmental basis of the major variations and abnormalities.

- B.Skills -

1.Identify and locate all the structures of the body and mark the topography of the living anatomy.
2.Identify the organs and tissues under the microscope.
3.Understand the principles of karyotyping and identify the gross congenital abnormalities.
4.Understand the principles of newer imaging techniques and interpretation of Computerised tomography (CT) scan, sonogram etc.
5.Understand clinical basis of some common clinical procedures. i.e. intramuscular and intravenous injection, lumbar puncture, kidney biopsy etc.


From the integration teaching of other basic sciences, student shall be able to comprehend the regulation and integration of the functions of the organs and systems of the body and thus interpret the anatomical basis of disease process.

- D.CURRICULUM (Department Follows CBME Curriculum By NMC) -


1.Tissues of the body, organs and organ system.
2.Bone-types, blood supply, nerve supply and lymphatics, ossification.
3.Cartilage-types and distribution.
4.Muscle-types, function, blood and nerve supply.
5.Joint-classification, structure, distribution and function of each type.
6.Blood vessels-tyoe of vessel, anastomosis, collateral circulation, arterio-venous anastomosis.
7.Lymphatic system-lymph nodes, lymphatics, circulation of lymph and funcations of lymphatic system.
8.Nervous system-division, central nervous system-brain, spinal cord and mwaning. Peripheral nervous system-cranial and nerves, sesory receptors and motor nerve endings autonomic system.


1.General Histology

a.Cell structure

b.Tissues of the body: epithelium, connective tissue, bone, muscle, cartilage, glands and nervous tissue.

c.Blood vessels and lymphatic tissue.

2.Systemic Histology

a.Gastrointestinal,respiratory, cardiovascular,urinary, reproductive Systems-male and female

b.Special senses

c.Endocrine and exocrine glands


1. General Introduction

a. Anatomical positions, Anatomical terms.

b. Regional anatomy, superior xtremity, inferior extremity, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, neck and brain.

c. Radiological anatomy.

d. Surface anatomy

e. Applied and clinical anatomy.


1.Introduction :Male and female genital tracts, spermatogenesis, oogenesis, fertilization,clevage, implantation, placetnta, embryonic stage, formation of systemsof body, twins, common foetal malformations.
2.Organisation :Development of organs and systems of the body: alimentary, circulatory,Respiration, urogenital, nervous system, endocrine, special senses,Integumentary system etc., congenital malformations.


  1. Fundamentals of human genetics.
  2. Cell division-mitosis and meiosis.
  3. Human chromosomes, karyotype, structure and abnormality,Klinefelter’s Syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, Down’s syndrome etc.
  4. Sex chromosomes, sex linked genes, sex chromatin.
  5. Chromosomal abnormalities.

Reproductive Biology:

  1. Reprductive organs – male and female
  2. Ovulation, corpus luteum,ovarian cycle
  3. Trasport of sperm, fertilization
  4. Viability of ovum and sperm,safe period
  5. Cleavage and transport of ovum
  6. Uterine cycle,Menstrual cycle
  7. Embedding of blastocyst
  8. Formation of embryo
  9. Form of embryo at various stages
  10. Membrane and placenta



  • Dissection of entire cadaver: of dissected soft parts and organs. Supplemented by study of museum specimens, models and charts.
  • Study of human bones and joints
  • Determinations of age and sex from the bones


  • Study of light microscope
  • Common objects seen under the microscope.
  • Appearance of objects in section.
  • Demonstration of tissue processing, section cutting and staining section
  • Study of prepared histological slides of normal mammalian tissues and organs of the body


  • Demonstrations of embryology models.
  • Sections of developing chick embryo
  • Specimens of congenital anomalies.


  • Demonstration of normal skiagrams of various parts and organs of the Body.
  • Skiagrams of special investigations of various systems of the body.
  • Skiagrams showing ossification of bones and determination of age.
  • Skiagrams of pregnant uterus showing foetus of various ages


Surface marking of various organs and structure:

a.On the living body

b.On the cadaver.

6.Ossification of bones, diaphysis, union and age determination.

NO.Name of the FacultydegreeRegistration NumberDesignationPhoto
1.Dr. Meenanakshi ModiMBBS,MS(Anatomy)G-25475,G-15340Professor& Head
2.Dr. Bharti V. UmarvanshiMBBS,MS(Anatomy)G-20278,G-15310Associate Professorwhatsapp_image_2024-08-07_at_11.34.55_am.jpeg
3.Dr. Vipul PatelMBBS,MD(Anatomy)G-26584,G-15429Associate Professorwhatsapp_image_2024-08-07_at_11.34.54_am_1_.jpeg
4.Dr. Dhananjay PatilMBBS,MS (Anatomy)G-28609,G-12576Associate Professor
5.Dr. Bhadresh A. PrajapatiMBBS,MD/Ms(Anatomy)G-38596,G-17994Associate Professor
6.Dr. Rashvaita K. PatelMBBS,M (Anatomy)G-34562,G-16907Assistant Professor
7.Dr. Jayshree PatelMBBS,MD(Anatomy)G-32822,G-19088Assistant Professorwhatsapp_image_2024-08-07_at_11.29.40_am.jpeg
8.Dr. Ganga SignalMBBS,MD(Anatomy)G-34761,G-16393Assistant Professorwhatsapp_image_2024-08-07_at_11.34.54_am.jpeg
9.Dr. Ketan ChauhanMBBS,MD(Anatomy)G-37164,G-19086Assistant Professor
10.Dr. Shweta M. DesaiMBBS,MD(Anatomy)G-38142,G-18184Assistant Professor
11.Dr. Astha JainMBBS,MD(Anatomy)G-43815,G-21134Tutorwhatsapp_image_2024-08-07_at_11.34.54_am_2_.jpeg
No.Name of DoctorDesignation
1.Dr. Ruchika Maurya1st year Resident
2.Dr. Jigar Gohel1st year Resident
3.Dr. Albert Raj 1st year Resident
4.Dr. Sejal Bariya1st year Resident
No. Staff Name Designation
1.Kavita HathiwalaLab Assistant
2.Jinesh ChaudhariLab Assistant
3.Saloni MakwanaLab Technician
4.Julee GondaliyaLab Technician
5.Ashvin ChaudhariClerk

UG/PG Course Offered with their syllabus(With No. of UG/PG Degree/Diploma seats)

No. Degree/DiplomaUG/PG Seats/Year
2.M.D (Anatomy)PG6
3.BSC NursingUG63
FacilityNumberSizeSitting Capacity
Seminar Rooms145 Sq.M20
Demonstration Rooms4110 Sq.M, Each75 Each
Dissection Hall1533 Sq. M250
Embalming Room113 Sq. M-
Histology Laboratory1375 Sq. M75
Histo Preparation Room128 Sq. M-
Research Laboratory150 Sq. M-
Museum1300 Sq. M50
Professor & Head Room127 Sq. M-
Associate Professor Room327 Sq. M, Each-
Assistant Professor Room413,22,22,30 Sq. M-
Tutor Room220 Sq. M-
Non-Teaching & Clerk Room213 Sq. M, Each-
Audiovisual aidsAdequate
LED Projector5
Computer with multimedia3
Laptop Computer2
Internet ConnectionAvailable

Department of Anatomy, GMC, Surat had organised a one day state level CME on “ Anatomical aspects of congenital Heart Diseases” on 2nd April 2016. Eminent speakers across the India had shared their valuable experience with large number of audience came from various colleges of Gujarat.


Instruments used in dissection hall by Dr. T. C. Singel

Developmental aspects of CHD by Dr. Raksha Bhatt

Organ and Body Donationby Dr P. Shiroya

Applied aspects of CHD by Dr. Shreepal Jain

Genetic aspects of CHD by Dr. Sheetal Sharda

Speaker:Dr Raksha Bhatt, Ex Professor, Anatomy , Pramukh Swami Medical college, Karamsad.

Speaker: Dr T. C. Singhel , ex Professor & Head, BJMC, Ahmedabad.

Audiance From Various Colleges of Gujarat

The former dean of GMC,Surat DR R Dixit And various faculties of Medical College.

No.Research ProjectDate / DurationResearch Offcer
1.Measurement of stature from somatometry of the facial height in malesOct-Dec 2021Dr. Vipul Patel
2.Metacarpal lengths & ratios as a marker of sexual dimorphism in population of Gujarat: A radiological studyApr-June 2021Dr. Meenakshi Modi
3.Study of Nutrient Foramen in femurJul-Sept 2021Dr. Bhadresh Prajapati


No.DissertationsSubmission / YearFaculty Name
1.An analysis of the greater palatine foramen in adult human skullJune – 1986Dr C.D. Mehta
2.Radiological measurements of dimension of lumber spinal canalOctober – 1988Dr. Raksha Bhatt
3.Morphometric study of placenta in pregnancy induced hypertension with its clinical significanceApril – 2000Dr. Alka Sharma
4.Palmer dermatoglyphics in congenital heart disease in South GujaratApril – 2000Dr. Meenakshi Bansal
5.Height estimation of a stature from length of tibia and ulnaOctober – 2001Dr. Bharati Umarvanshi
6.Dermatoglyphics in schizophrenic patientsMay – 2004Dr. Jitendra Gupta
7.Morphometric study of menisci of the knee joint and its clinical implicationsApril-2011Dr. Chintan Bhatt
8.Variation in origin, course and branching pattern of external carotid artery in 50 human cadaversApril – 2014Dr. Pratik Mistry
9.A study of diaphyseal nutrient foramina in human long bones.April – 2008Dr. Roopam Gupta
10.The human sternum as an index of age and sexMay -2013Dr. Divyesh Kaneriya
11.Morphometrical study of SacrumApr- May 2007Dr. Binod Kumar
12.Study of various foramina at the base of human skullApril – 2012Dr. Roma N. Patel
13.The Morphometric measurement of adult humerus segments and its importance in IndiaApril - 2012Dr. Zarana Ashiyani
14.Anatomical parameters of western Indian hip joints – cadaveric studyApril -2012Dr. Jayshree Patel
15.Patterns of talar articular facets of South Gujarat calcaneiApril – 2011Dr. Shweta Patel
16.Morphological variation of the pterion in the dry adult human skullApril – 2016Dr. Satyen Patel
17.Anatomical, morphometric and topographical analysis of supra orbital, infraorbital and mental foramina in the adult human skull and its surgical importanceApril – 2016Dr. Prashma Doctor
18.Estimation of stature from cranial parameters in Gujarat populationApril – 2016Dr. Divyesh Patel
19.Study of morphometry of tricuspid valve in human cadaveric heartApril – 2014Dr. Krunal Chauhan
20.Height estimation from foot measurementsJune – 2005Dr. Priya Roy
21.A study of dermatoglyphics in maturity onset diabetes mellitusApril – 2011Dr. Nilam Meghatar
22.Dermatoglyphics in Leprosy patientsSept – 2006
23.Estimation of stature from the length of lower limb bonesApril- 2013Dr. Ritesh Brahmbhatt
24.A study of variation in branching pattern of coronary artery in human cadaversApril- 2011Dr. Bhadresh Prajapati
25.Morphological study of placenta in anemia with its clinical significanceApril- 2011Dr. Bhavika Panchal
26.A study of variation in branching pattern of femoral artery in adult human cadaversMay – 2013Dr. Kuldeep Suthar
27.Estimation of stature from length of forearm bonesApril- 2012Dr. Mukesh Garg
28.Incidence of bridges and variations of superior articular facets of atlas vertebraeOctober – 2004Dr. Vipul Patel
29.A study of variations in branching pattern of brachial artery in adult human cadaversApril - 2012Dr. Ketan Chauhan

# Dr. Meenakshi Modi Publications:

1.Variation in peroneus longus tendon and its clinical implication. Journal of orthopedics.Vol.7(2) 2010 (2).
2.Prevalence and dimensions of complete sella turcica bridges and its clinical significance. Indian Journal of surgery 28 dec 2012.
3.Morphological study of myocardial bridges and its clinical significance. Cibtech journal of surgery; Jan- April 2013.
4.Variations of origin of long head of biceps brachii muscle from glenoid labrum of Nscapula. National journal of medical research; vol 3 april-june 2013.
5.Study of anatomical parameters of hip joint in cadaver and its clinical importance. Cibtech journal of surgery vol 2(2) May-Aug 2013.
6.Study of morphometric anatomy of axis vertebrae and its importance. International journal of basic and applied medical science vol.4(2) May-Aug 2014.
7.Study of incidence of ossification of superior transverse scapular ligament of scapula and its clinical implication. International journal of basic and applied medical science. May-Aug 2013.
8.Patterns of talar articular facet on calcaneum and its clinical implication I International journal of anatomy and physiology. Vol-2(4) June 2013.

# Dr. Bharti Umarvanshi publications:

1.Divyesh Patel, Bharati Umarvanshi, Dhaval Patel, Satyen Patel , Estimation of Stature from Cranial Parameters in Gujarat Population, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; 14(12); 458-464
2.Kaneriya D., Suthar K., Patel V., Umarvanshi B., Mehta C. and Tailor C., Morphometric Study of Sternum for Determination of Sex, CIBTech journal of Bio-Protocols ISSN: 2319-3840,May-August-2013, Vol-2 (2),PP 6-13.
3.Kaneriya D., Umarvanshi B., Patil D., Mehta C., Chauhan K., And Vora R., Age Determination from Fusion of the Sternal Elements, International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2103, May-August-2013, Vol-3 (2), PP 22-29.

# Dr. Vipul Patel Publications :

1.Anatomical Study of Sacral Hiatus for Caudal Epidural Block, National Journal of Medical Research. Volume 2,Issue 3,July – Sept 2012. 272-275.
2.Enhancing histological slide identification skills of 1st year UG medical students. NJIRM. Vol.3(4)/Sept-Oct 2012
3.An osseous study of non-metric variations of neck of femur. International Journal of Research in Medicine. Vol.2/Issue-1/Jan-Mar 2013
4.Variations in ostium of coronary arteries. National Journal of Medical Research. Vol.3/Issue-2/Apr-Jun 2013
5.Morphometric study of variations of branching pattern of brachial artery. International Journal of Basic & Applied sciences. Vol.3, No.2/May-Aug 2013
6.Morphometric study of branches of femoral artery in front of thigh. International Journal of Basic & Applied sciences. Vol.2, No.2/May-Aug 2013
7.Morphometric study of dry femur in South Gujarat population. National Journal of Medical Research. Vol.10/Issue-4/ Oct-Dec 2020
8.Peroneus tertius : Variations & Clinical applications in Gujarati populations. National Journal of Medical Research. Vol.11/Issue-2/ Apr-Jun 2021
9.Harbin’s index : Morphological evaluation of caudate-to-right lobe ratio in human cadaveric liver. Journal of Anatomical Society of India. Vol.70/Issue 3/July-Sept 2021

# Dr. D. S. Patil Publications:

1.Anatomical Study of Sacral Hiatus for Caudal Epidural Block, National Journal of Medical Research. Volume 2,Issue 3,July – Sept 2012. 272-275.
2.Anatomical Study of The sacum for transsacral Block of Sacral Nerves, National Journal of Medical Research. Volume 2,Issue 4,Oct – Dec 2012 501-503
3.Morphology of Mitral valve in Human cadavers, Internet Journal of Cardiology, 2008 Volume 7 Number 2
4.A Study of Incidence of Ossification of superior Transverse scapular ligament of Scapula and Its Clinical Implications, International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, 2013 Vol.3 (2) May-August-pp 41-45.
5.Variations of Origin of Long Head of Biceps Brachii Muscle from Glenoid Labrum of scapula, National Journal of Medical Research. Volume 3,Issue 2,Apr – June 2013. 137-139.
6.Variation in the Insertion of the Latissimus dorsi & its Clinical Importance, Journal of Orthopaedics 10 (2013) 25-28
7.Variation in Ostium of Coronary Arteries, National Journal Medical Research. Volume 3,Issue 2, Apr – June 2013 134-136
8.Morphological Study of Variation in Branching Pattern of Brachial Artery, International Journal of Basic and applied Medical Sciences, 2013 Vol.3 (2) May-August 10-15.
9.Variations of Origin of Long Head of Biceps Branchii Muscle from Glenoid Labrum of Scapula, National Journal of Medical Research. Volume 3;Issue 2;Apr – June 2013 137-139
10.A study of Incidence of Ossification of Superior Transverse scapular Ligament of Scapula and Its Clinical Implications. International Journal of Basic and applied Medical Sciences, 2013 Vol.3 (2) May-August 41-45.
11.Morphological Study of Wormian Bones in Dried Human skulls, National Journal of Medical Research, Vol.5 Issue 3 July - September-2015, 222-225.
12.Age Determination from Fusion of the Sternal Elements, International Journal of Basic and applied Medical Sciences, 2013 Vol.3 (2) May-August 22-29
13.Variation in Ostium of Coronary Arteries, National Journal of Medical Research, Volume 3;Issue 2; Apr – June 2013 134-136

# Dr. Bhadresh Prajapati publicatiuons:

1.Morphometric study of menisci of knee joint in the west region, International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2103,2014, Vol-4(1) Jan-April, PP 95-99.
2.Variation in the insertion of the latissimus dorsi & its clinical importance, Journal of Orthopedic, Vol-10(2013).PP 25-28.
3.Variations in ostium of coronary arteries, National Journal of Medical Research, Volume 3;Issue 2; Apr – June 2013 134-136

# Dr. Rashvaita Patel Publications:

1.Vairiation In Musculocutaneous Nerve In Arm With Additional Muscular Slip In Forearm , International Journal Of Anatomy And Physiology, volume 2, Issue 3, March -2013, 20-22.
2.Patterns Of Talar Articular Facets On Calcaneum And Its Clinical Implication, International Journal Of Anatomy And Physiology, volume 2 , Issue 4 , June 2013, 23-26.
3.Variant Origin Of Renal Arteries And Its Clinical Implication Cibtect Journal Of Surgery, volume 2 , Issue 2, May -August 2013, 07-12.
4.Morphometric Study Of The Dry Femur In South Gujarat, journal National of medical research, Volume 10, Issue 4, Oct- Dec -2020,189-190.
5.Peroneus Tertius : Variation And Clinical Applications In Gujarati Population journal National of medical research , Volume 11, Issue 2, Apr -June 2021, 43-45.

# Dr. Jayshree Patel publications:

1.Dr. Shweta Desai, Dr. Jayshree Patel, Morphometric study of pterion and its clinical significance, Global journal for research analysis: Vol-8/Issue-4/April-2019
2.Dr. Jayshree Patel, Dr. Shweta Desai, Morphometric study of foramen magnum in adult human dried skull & Its clinical implication global journal for research analysis: Vol-8/Issue-4/April-2019
3.Dr. Jayshree Patel, Dr. Meenakshi Bansal, Dr. Dipal Arya and Dr. Mehta C.D. , A study of Anatomical parameters of Hip Joint in cadavers and its clinical importance. CIBTech journal of surgery ISSN:2319-3875:Vol-2(2) May-August 2013,PP. 44-50.
4.Dr. Jayshree Patel, Dr. Meenakshi Bansal, Dr. Dipal Arya and Mehta C.D.A study of morphometric anatomy of axis vertebrae and Its clinical importance. International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2103: Vol-4(2) May August-2014,PP-3551-357.

# Dr. Ganga Singal publications:

1.A Study of incidence of inter-parietal bones in adult human dry skulls ;SEAJCRR-International Journal .eISSN:2319-1090.VOL.3 (5) sep-oct 2014.PP.1038
2.A placental morphometry in relation to birth weight of full term newborn .original article SEAJCRR international jounal .issn:online:2319-1090.vol.2(5)sept-oct.2013.PP.334
3.The types of talar articular facets and morphometric measurement of the the human calcaneum bone of Gujarat.NJIRM National Journal VOL.3.JULY –AUGUST-2012.Eissn:0975-9840Pissn :2230-9969

# Dr. Shweta Desai publication:

1.Shweta J.Patel1, Rashvaita k. Patel2, Chintan Bhatt3 and C.D. Mehta,Variation of musculocutaneous nerve in arm with additional muscular slip in forearm, International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology ISSN: 2326-7275 Vol. 2 (3), pp. 020-022, March, 2013.
2.Shweta J. Patel, Rashvaita K. Patel, Krunal R. Chauhan, 4Meenakshi Bansal, Patterns of talar articular facets on calcaneum and its clinical implication,International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology ISSN: 2326-7275 Vol. 2 (4), pp. 023-026, June, 2013.
3.Dr.Shweta Desai, Dr Jayshree Patel, Morphometric study of pterion and its clinical significance, global journal for research analysis : Volume-8 Issue-4 April-2019
4.Krunal Chauhan, Shweta J. Patel, Rashvaita K. Patel, Mehta C.D. and Maunil Desai, Variant origin of renal arteries and its clinical implication, CIBTech JournalofSurgeryISSN: 2319-3875(Online) 2013 Vol. 2(2) May-August, pp. 7-12
5.Dr Jayshree Patel, Dr.Shweta Desai, Morphometric study of foramen magnum in adult human dried skull & its clinical implication•Global journal for research analysis : Volume-8 Issue-4 April-2019
6.Shweta Desai1, Maunil Desai2, Study on perception and effectiveness of structured viva among first year MBBS students, Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 2022;9(4):262–266.

# Dr. Ketan Chauhan publications:

1.Morphological study of variation in branching pattern of brachial artery, International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, 2013 Vol. 3 (2) May-August, pp.10-15.
2.Cadaveric study of azygous lobe of lung, International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, 2013 Vol. 3 (2) May-August, pp.30-33.
3.A study of incidence of ossification of superior transverse scapular ligament of scapula and its clinical implications, International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, 2013 Vol. 3 (2) May-August, pp.41—45.
4.Relation between umbilical cord insertion and fetal outcome in pregnancy induced hypertension. International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, 2014 Vol. 4 (1) Jan – April, pp.332-337.
5.Variation of origin of long head of biceps brachii muscle from glenoid labrum of scapula. National journal of medical research. Vol 3 , Issue 2, April – June 2013. Pp 137-139.
6.Morphological study of wormian bones in dried human skull. National journal of medical research. Vol 5 , Issue 3, April – June 2015. Pp 222-225
No.TopicDateStaff Name
1.CME on Anatomical Aspects of Congenital Heart DiseaseApril 2016Organised By Department of Anatomy, GMC, Surat
2.CME on Liver : Anatomy and ResectionAugust 2016Dr. R. Patel
Dr. J. Patel
Dr. S. Patel
Dr. D. Patel
3.CME on Resent Update in PulmonologyJuly 2016Dr. V. Patel
Dr. R. Patel
Dr. B. Prajapati
Dr. C. Bhatt
Dr. J. Patel
Dr. K. Chauhan
Dr. D. Patel
4.CME on Respiratory UpdatesOctober 2015Dr. M. Modi
Dr. R. Patel
Dr. K. Chauhan
5.CME on International Classification of DiseasesJuly 2015Dr. R. Patel
Dr. K. Chauhan
6.Workshop on Doctor Patient RelationshipOctober 2013Dr. D. Patel
7.Conference on Anatomy NATCON-ASI September 2013Dr. D. Patel
8.Conference of IMA December2014Dr. D. Patel
9.CME on Innovative AnatomyFebruary 2015Dr. M. Modi
Dr. A. Udainia
Dr. D. Patel
10.GUJCON Gujarat Chapter ASI 2013January 2013Dr. S. Patel
Dr. M. Modi
11.Integrated Teaching With Surgery-Retrosternal Approach of Oesophagus in Oesophageal Carcinoma2015All Faculty Members Participated with Dept of Surgery
12.Integrated Teaching With Surgery-Teaching of Anatomical to PG Students on Various Aspects of Anatomy Like Pelvis, Abdomen, Limbs2015All Faculty Members Participated with Dept of Surgery
13.Proposed CME on Stem Cell-A New Era of Regenerative Medicine2016-17Department of Anatomy GMC Surat.
14.CME on Management of Congenital Heart Disease Paediatric Age Group2015Dr. A. Udainia
15.CME on Sleep Apnoea2015Dr. M. Modi
Dr. A. Udainia
16.Guest Lecture by Dr. Sweta Patel (O.B & G) On Anatomical Aspect of Infertily2015Attended by all Departments of GMC, Surat, Organized by Anatomy Dept. GMC, Surat
17.Guest Lecture By Dr. P. Martin on Interesting Aspects of Anatomy2015Attended by all UG Students & Department of Anatomy, Organized by Anatomy Dept. GMC, Surat
18.Vishram Shing Quiz on Anatomy2014,2015,2016Organized by Department of Anatomy, GMC, Surat.