<html><center><font color=“white” size=“+4”>Government Medical College, Surat</font> </center></html>

Vision Statement

The Government Medical College Surat is committed to provide and continuously improve upon medical education to individuals and society relevent to their need.

Mission Statement

  • Train undergraduate medical students to perform successfully in evaluations done by Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
  • Train undergraduate medical students to perform successfully in evaluations done by various post-Graduate admission examinations
  • Train postgraduate medical students to perform successfully in evaluations done by Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
  • Train postgraduate medical students to perform successfully in evaluations done by various post-Graduate admission examinations
  • Train medical students in various superspeciality and to perform successfully in evaluations done by Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

Details of Customers/Clients

  • Students admitted for MBBS, MD and MCh courses

Statement of services provided

  • All students are provided knowledge and skill relevent to their field and need of the society.
  • Please refer to information provided by various departments of this college on this website for further information

Details of Grievances Redress Mechanism and how to access the same

Expectation from the students

  • All students are expected to behave respectfully with fellow studetns, teachers, other staff members and patients.

University Peppermint Affiliation with Veer Narmad South Gujarat University,Surat,Gujarat,India.Letter