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Teching Time Table

15/01/20192-4 PMLIntro. To experimental pharmacology
15/01/20194-5 PML Routes of drug administration (2/2)
16/01/20194-5 PMLPharmacokinetics: Membrane Transport
18/01/20194-5 PMLPharmacokinetics: Absorption & Bioavailability
21/01/20194-5 PMLPharmacokinetics: Absorption & Bioavailability
22/01/20192-4 PMLEnteral Dosage formulations
22/01/2019 4-5 PMLPharmacokinetic: Distribution, Plasma Protein Binding
23/01/20194-5 PMLPharmacokinetic: Biotransformation
25/01/20194-5 PMLPharmacokinetic: Excretion
29/01/20194-5 PMLPharmacokinetics: Kinetics of elimination
30/01/20192-4 PMLParenteral Dosage formulations
30/01/2019 4-5 PMLPharmacodynamic: Action & Mechanism of action, Enzymes, Ion Channels, Transporters
31/01/20194-5 PMLPharmacodynamic: Receptors
02/02/20194-5 PMLPharmacodynamic: DRC, Drug Potency, Efficacy, Selectivity & Specificity
04/02/20194-5 PMLPharmacodynamic: Combined Effects of Drugs
05/02/20192-4 PMLTopical Dosage formulations
05/02/20194-5 PMLPharmacodynamic: Drug dosage, Factors modifying drug action
06/02/20194-5 PMLAdverse Drug reactions
08/02/20194-5 PMLRational Use of Medicines
11/02/20194-5 PMLNew Drug Development
12/02/20192-4 PMLPharmacokinetic Model
12/02/20194-5 PMLIntro to Autonomic Nervous System
13/02/20194-5 PMLCholinergic System (1/3)
15/02/20194-5 PMLCholinergic System (2/3)
18/02/20194-5 PMLCholinergic System (3/3)
19/02/20192-4 PMPDrip Setting & Injection Filling
19/02/20194-5 PMLAnticholinergic Drugs (1/2)
20/02/20194-5 PMLAnticholinergic Drugs (2/2)
22/02/20194-5 PMLSympathetic System – Adrenergic Transmission + Receptors
25/02/20194-5 PMLAnticholinergic Drugs (1/2)
26/02/20192-4 PMPDrip Setting & Injection Filling
26/02/20194-5 PMLAnticholinergic Drugs (2/2)
27/02/20194-5 PMLSympathetic System – Adrenergic Transmission + Receptors
01/03/20194-5 PMLsympathetic System – Drugs, Actions, Adverse effects & Contraindications
05/03/20192-4 PMPDrip Setting & Injection Filling
05/03/20194-5 PMLSympathetic System – Classification, Selective β2 stimulants
06/03/20194-5 PMLSympathetic System – Nasal Decongestant
08/03/20194-5 PMLSympatholytics - α blockers
11/03/20194-5 PMLSympatholytics - β blockers
12/03/20194-5 PMPPrinciples of rational prescription writing
12/03/20192-4 PMLDrug therapy of glaucoma
13/03/20194-5 PMLNeuromuscular Blockers
15/03/20194-5 PMLDrugs acting on Ganglia
18/03/20194-5 PMLAutacoids – Histamine & Antihistamine Drugs
19/03/20192-4 PMPGraph – 1,2,9,10
19/03/20194-5 PMPAutacoids – Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes & PAF
20/03/20194-5 PMLAutacoids – 5- Hydroxytryptamine
22/03/20194-5 PMLCorticosteroids (1/3)
25/03/20194-5 PMLTutorial – Cholinergic System
01/04/20194-5 PMLCorticosteroids (2/3)
02/04/20192-4 PMPGraph – 3,4,5
02/04/20194-5 PMPCorticosteroids (3/3)
03/04/20194-5 PMLDrugs for cough (1/1)
05/04/20194-5 PMLBronchial Asthma (1/3)
08/04/20194-5 PMLBronchial Asthma (2/3)
09/04/20192-4 PMPGraph – 6, 7, 8
09/04/20194-5 PMLBronchial Asthma (3/3)
10/04/20194-5 PMLDrugs for Diarrhoea (1/1)
12/04/20194-5 PMLDrugs for Constipation (1/1)
15/04/20194-5 PMLDrug therapy of Acid peptic disease (1/3)
16/04/20192-4 PMLTherapeutics related to RS
16/04/20194-5 PMLDrug therapy of Acid peptic disease (2/3)
22/04/20194-5 PMLAcid Peptic Disease (3/3)
24/04/20194-5 PMLAntiemetic Drugs (1/2)
26/04/20194-5 PMLAntiemetic Drugs (2/2)
29/04/20194-5 PMLADR – Gastrointestinal System
30/04/20194-5 PMLTherapeutics related to GIT- 1
30/04/20194-5 PMLADR – Sympathetic System
03/06/20194-5 PMLADRs- NSAIDs
04/06/20194-5 PMLTherapeutics related to painful conditions
04/06/20194-5 PMLTutorials- Cholinergic System
07/06/20194-5 PMLTutorials – Sympathetic System
10/06/20194-5 PMLTutorial – Sympatholytics
21/06/20194-5 PMLTutorial – Diabetes Mellitus
24/06/20194-5 PMLHematinics & Erythropoietin (1/3)
25/06/20192-4 PMLHematinics & Erythropoietin (2/3)
26/06/20194-5 PMLHematinics & Erythropoietin (3/3)
28/06/20194-5 PMLDrugs affecting coagulation and bleeding (1/3)